Site Description
The federalwaywa.gov website is the main site for the City of Federal Way in Washington State. This site is a resource for residents, visitors, businesses, and people interacting with the city government.
Project Goals
The goal of this project was to upgrade the former CityOfFederalWay.com Drupal 7 site to Drupal 10, while rebranding and renaming the site to Federalwaywa.gov, and put it on a firm foundation for at least the next decade.
As part of the project, we migrated thousands of pages of content, organized it all into city department groups, and set up permissions so departments can manage their own content without being able to edit content for other departments.
We also added an editorial workflow so new content can be created as unpublished drafts, allowing review and editing while leaving the old content published.
Measure of success
The new site has a fresh design created by our friends at Culture Foundry, and was built on a custom theme using some newly available CSS techniques that make it so the site is fast-loading and lightweight. Particular attention was paid to Accessibility and responsiveness.