Outdoor Research, an outdoor gear manufacturer, hired us to build their main public web site, along with a full administrative back end. We implemented a system that imports product data from their core business ERP system, tracks the status of individual products, product colors, categories, pages, and site navigation.
There are automatic tabs containing product information associated with a particular product or product category. There is a facility for doing product comparisons, scheduling rotating featured products on a page, adding glossary definitions with pop-up tooltip definitions, changing product pictures to alternate colors as you mouse over a color swatch, and many other advanced features.
As a result of the new web site, the marketing team has been able to keep their web site up to date with changes to over 400 individual products, plan new product launches, and not let product changes slip through the cracks. Outdoor Research has continued to hire us for ongoing work, deploying other systems for its partners and customer segments.