Drupal and WordPress maintenance
This baseline service keeps your site safe, secure, and up-to-date. We actively apply updates on a monthly basis, test every release, and resolve issues related to updates that break critical parts of your site.
Secure hosting and server management
Keeping your site secure starts with a secure hosting environment. See our hosting guide for recommendations - many clients opt to have us maintain dedicated cloud servers. For smaller clients with minimal needs, we provide inexpensive hosting on our secure servers.
Site Rescue/Recovery
Has your site been hacked? We can help!
If you have a solid backup, it's easy to get back online. If you don't, we have emergency recovery services to recover your content. We've cleaned up Bitcoin miners, sites hacked to spew email spam, sites that serve spam to Google and regular content to everyone else, and sites hosting malware. We've recovered content for servers that have been deleted, or servers that have been infiltrated.
We can almost certainly help!
- Contact us to get back online!