After emptying my camera recently, I noticed a bunch of the photos were cluttering up my home directory. It turns out that the default photo manager for Ubuntu had a bug in the latest release, and while it's fixed for the next major release, they haven't released a fix for 9.04.

If you're dealing with this, here's how to fix. Full details are here:

  1. Download an updated version of F-spot from this page for most computers (or here for 64-bit).
  2. Open the .deb file and install it. You will need to enter your password.
  3. Go to this page and download the file at the top of the page.
  4. Open a terminal window (Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal).
  5. Assuming your downloads go to your Desktop, here's what the command looks like to fix your files:
    • python Desktop/ Photos cimg*.jpg

You will probably need to change the "cimg" part of that command to match whatever your camera names the files. This last command moves all of the photos into the Photos directory, broken down by year, month, and date directories to match the rest of your set.


Was the bug the missing choice for "just open the folder already!" (i.e. only radio buttons for "import" and "cancel" when the camera's detected? )

... apparently related to a change to allow different directory structures for storing the files. The patch apparently resulted in never being able to detect a directory exists, so it just dumped all new photos in your home directory, regardless of what you set in the preferences...

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