
Changing the creative approach.

What an interesting time to be working in and around the internet! Mass protest showed MPAA and Congress that ill-formed, top-down actions like SOPA and PIPA are unacceptable solutions to the challenges facing the entertainment industry.

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Static Brochure sites are easier?

We've had several clients recently chafing at how confining Drupal sites can be -- it can be a lot more work to make individual pages vary from the template, and if you have build web sites using a tool like Dreamweaver, you can't tweak the layout the same way.

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Drupal goes mobile

Mobile is hot right now. Most of our current clients are actively thinking about, if not proceeding with, mobile access to their web sites or building a mobile application. Guess what -- it turns out Drupal is a good platform for that, too!

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Why auto updates are a very bad idea

A question came across the Drupal Developer's list today asking whether Drupal could auto-update itself, like WordPress. As someone who thinks about security a lot, the very thought of this horrifies me.

It's a bad idea for several reasons, but the biggest reason:

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