
How to Make a (un) Useful Travel Website

Planning a vacation is tough. Between the pain of finding a hotel or final destination, booking an airline, and locating information on things to do, one could spend days online surfing from website to website searching for items that may or may not be correct and/or relevant.

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Make Me a Static Website!

"I just want a simple, static website."

OK. Why?

"I don't want to spend the extra money on a CMS. I don't have time to manage a site. I don't know HTML. I just want something quick."


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F-Spot in Ubuntu photos in home directory

After emptying my camera recently, I noticed a bunch of the photos were cluttering up my home directory. It turns out that the default photo manager for Ubuntu had a bug in the latest release, and while it's fixed for the next major release, they haven't released a fix for 9.04.

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