Wordpress's most recent release, which they are calling "5.0" (catchy, huh?), comes with a bunch of new functionality and makes the solution "easier to use".  Of course, I'm putting "easier to use" in italics because this is a subjective term and maybe I just like italics, OKAY!!! Sorry, I veered off track there for a second. 

Wordpress 5.0 is Better...Right?

Admittedly, Wordpress 5.0 does allow a lot of new click and drag functionality. These functions are very helpful for organizations that need a pretty website with their pretty logo and pretty pictures of the team (and the "Company Mascot", the owner's Great Dane). Admittedly, these features were a response to recent growth by Shopify and Squarespace, among many others. The market does demand easier-to-use CMS solutions. 

Wordpress as a Layout Builder

However, (ooh...I used italics, we must be getting to the interesting part) one of the core features of Wordpress 5.0 is that it made Gutenberg the default editor in Wordpress. Gutenberg is beautiful and allows you to move pictures and content around seamlessly. However, it does not handle content in a Database format. What this means is that when you use Gutenberg and you make a change to one page--the change will need to be updated on every page. Well--what if I have many pages? Well, it sounds like you're going to be busy. This move towards Gutenberg, essentially moved Wordpress from a Content Management System to a Layout Builder. This move made Wordpress easier to use for those organizations who build their website and never touch it. 

Layout Builder or Content Management System

At Freelock, we believe every website can do more. One of the most powerful things a website can do is delivery dynamic data to the relevant parties. This could be 1) allowing your sales team to log into your site and check order status and inventory 2) allowing your partners/customers to log into your site and check the status of THEIR order 3) allowing your team to log their hours for the week 4) use that same data so that accounting can run payroll with the push of one button. We call these website functions "Delivery" and they are core to our support behind Drupal as the world's best Content Management System. 

Drupal as a Layout Builder

Oh--and by the way, if you also want to use the point-and-click interface of Gutenberg, it's totally an option on Drupal! 

Every Website Can Do More

If your website is built for pictures of your team (their respective dogs'), and your logo, by all means, do it yourself and try Wordpress. If, on the other hand, you're trying to build your business--you might want to try a Content Management System that is designed to grow with your business. 

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