We've noticed a huge increase in the spam getting dropped into our spam quarantine--it's doubled in the past two months. I have clients complaining about greatly increased spam as well. It turns out we're not alone:
Spam Doubles, Finding New Ways to Deliver Itself - New York Times

Spam is back — in e-mail in-boxes and on everyone’s minds. In the last six months, the problem has gotten measurably worse. Worldwide spam volumes have doubled from last year, according to Ironport, a spam filtering firm, and unsolicited junk mail now accounts for more than 9 of every 10 e-mail messages sent over the Internet.

... What to do about it? Our next Freelock Irregular newsletter will offer some help. But meanwhile, for the technical folks, here's a link to a How-To to implement checking for Yahoo domain keys:

Postfix with dkfilter (DomainKeys Implementation)

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