
Website Reach

The organizations that use their website to their fullest-potential are the ones that use their website to forever find new customers, new partners, a
Rock climb

Getting the group into the URL with Purl

The corners of Drupal 8 that aren't there are quickly dwindling, but there are still some that need to get worked out. While upgrading our internal issue tracker, we hit a new one -- getting a group context set via a URL alias, and generally keeping posts within a group.

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The death of dot com? Get ready for a whole new web

December 2013

In a few short years, dot-com will be a quaint throwback referring to a couple of economic booms, and not something to indicate a web site. Like the Great War -- everybody now calls it World War 1, since we've had another great war... Why? Because the floodgates are about to open on domain names, and so we're about to see the rise of dot bike, dot plumbing, dot gifts, and even dot dentist.

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Condemned To Google Hell

Search engines are crucial to marketing your business online, and Google is the most important of all. However, be careful what you do to try to get better search results--there's a difference between getting organic search results and trying to game the system.

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