The scientific method and website effectiveness
How do you know if your website is working effectively? What does that even mean?
How do you know if your website is working effectively? What does that even mean?
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. According to Moz.com, SEO is “a marketing discipline focused on growing visibility in organic (non-paid) search engine results”.
A common question of companies wanting to drive traffic to their website is “Should we advertise in the search engines? Or conduct a search engine optimization project? Neither? Both?” Based on 20 years of helping people with marketing in search engines, here are a few thoughts.
The corners of Drupal 8 that aren't there are quickly dwindling, but there are still some that need to get worked out. While upgrading our internal issue tracker, we hit a new one -- getting a group context set via a URL alias, and generally keeping posts within a group.
December 2013
In a few short years, dot-com will be a quaint throwback referring to a couple of economic booms, and not something to indicate a web site. Like the Great War -- everybody now calls it World War 1, since we've had another great war... Why? Because the floodgates are about to open on domain names, and so we're about to see the rise of dot bike, dot plumbing, dot gifts, and even dot dentist.
Results. Return On Investment. Value. How do you measure these things in a website? There's one thing you can easily measure -- cost. Or at least the amount you actually spend to build and maintain a site. The others are far more troublesome to measure.
I was talking with a new client the other day who spends a lot of money on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) to try to get people to visit his online store. And yet his blog -- what search engines value most -- was on wordpress.com.
You launched your Drupal site yesterday, and it's not on the front page of Google. What do you do now? One of our clients asked us about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) recently, so I thought I'd share some advice from our experience.
URLs are a critical part of all web sites, not just Drupal. However, in Drupal, the URL of a page determines a lot about how the page is built.
Search engines are crucial to marketing your business online, and Google is the most important of all. However, be careful what you do to try to get better search results--there's a difference between getting organic search results and trying to game the system.