Ask Freelock: Sortable tables?
Kevin asks,
Is there a Drupal Add On or Widget that would allow users to sort tables as they're displayed on the website?
Hi, Kevin,
Several options here:
Making your site more interactive!
Making your site more interactive!
Kevin asks,
Is there a Drupal Add On or Widget that would allow users to sort tables as they're displayed on the website?
Hi, Kevin,
Several options here:
The world of the web has changed a ton over the past decade. Websites that show one page at a time with no animations or interactions can feel stale and outdated.
Here's an introduction to Progressive Enhancements:
Websites can do more than "just" present information. Do you have some sort of data management task that involves a lot of manual work?
Websites can do far more than just present information. Many business applications have moved onto the web, and with a CMS like Drupal in the back end, your website itself can be an integral part of your business.
It's great to boil down information into simple bite-sized chunks. But for so many kinds of information, it's just not that simple. Ecological systems. Policy decisions. Your body. Your website.
In April I gave a talk about Progressive Enhancements at the national DrupalCon 2022 conference in Portland. Here's a recording of the full session, which was targeted towards Drupal developers.
Mike, looking for information about integrating a data collection Software as a Service (SaaS) offering, asked:
I have a lot of respect for graphic designers and people who can come up with clear, concise information in a graphical way.