Progressive Enhancements: Manage data
Websites can do more than "just" present information. Do you have some sort of data management task that involves a lot of manual work?
Websites can do more than "just" present information. Do you have some sort of data management task that involves a lot of manual work?
Websites can do far more than just present information. Many business applications have moved onto the web, and with a CMS like Drupal in the back end, your website itself can be an integral part of your business.
It's great to boil down information into simple bite-sized chunks. But for so many kinds of information, it's just not that simple. Ecological systems. Policy decisions. Your body. Your website.
In April I gave a talk about Progressive Enhancements at the national DrupalCon 2022 conference in Portland. Here's a recording of the full session, which was targeted towards Drupal developers.
It's only taken two years since the release of Drupal 8 for us to get our own site updated... Cobbler's children and all. But finally, we are proud to unveil our shiny new site!
But wait, don't you tell your clients you don't need a new site?