
Flowchart for Salesforce Case ECA Model, showing various process steps and connections.

Make integrations with other services more resilient using a Queue

One downside of automating things is dealing with outages. Sometimes services go down, and are not available for some period of time. When this happens, how does it impact your automation?

If you don't design your automation carefully, you might lose the data entirely. Or get spammed by hundreds of submissions when it comes back up. Handling this correctly does end up needing some understanding of how the automation works, as well as any quirks of the remote system.

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Drupal Rescue Shop

Sometimes bad things happen to good people. And sometimes people get in over their head and need help. At Freelock, we are here to help. If your previous web developer jumped ship and left you high and dry, don’t panic, just pick up the phone and call us for help!

Web Site Review

Have a Drupal website, and not sure what to do with it next? 
Having trouble implementing a module and need help? 
Worried about your security level and making sure it’s monitored?
Our Website Review is the place to start!

Have us run your website through our quality checklist. We'll find all the clutter in your modules, files, and views.

Ongoing Support and Hosting

At Freelock, we provide targeted, semi-managed hosting of Linux-based web applications to help ensure that your website stays secure and online. We lease our own dedicated servers, both physical and virtual, and have full control over the OS and all the software, including your applications. This allows us to fully support everything above the hardware layer to an extent that few other companies do.

Reliable code: building in robustness

Ok. Last post on the quality code series. One of the downsides of getting older is realizing you do have shortcomings. You know how when you're young, going into a job interview, the toughest question is the one about your weaknesses?

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