Freelock Named Top Web Developer in Seattle on Clutch & The Manifest!
Here at Freelock, we are all in for web development. Truly, what could be more important for our clients in today's climate than a properly functioning and safe website?
Here at Freelock, we are all in for web development. Truly, what could be more important for our clients in today's climate than a properly functioning and safe website?
Yesterday the Drupal security team gave a dire warning about extremely dangerous security vulnerabilities in multiple contributed modules. The fixes, and the details, would be released at 9am Pacific Time today.
Our branch strategy based on Git Flow did not survive. It was getting a bit old in the tooth, but the final blow was automation.
Here are the slides from my 2015 Drupal Summit talk, Quality Drupal DevOps!
You can also click here to open in a new window, full screen.
For many years, we've organized our development around user stories. What exactly is each user trying to accomplish, and what does that look like when they try to accomplish those tasks?
March 2015
... this statement applies to just about any endeavor you can imagine... I've mostly heard it associated with education, the idea that you can get a good education anywhere if you work diligently at it and learn what the teacher has to teach -- and likewise, you can often skate by in good schools without coming out the other end with much learned.
Do you have new website envy?
Is your current website clunky and slow?
Is it time for an upgrade?
Is it time to move to a new CMS?
How about Drupal 8?
Drupal 8 is up and running on all SEVEN cylinders. Lets get your website up to speed with the functionality and customization that Drupal is known for. At Freelock, we love Drupal and we think you might too.
Have us run your website through our quality checklist. We'll find all the clutter in your modules, files, and views.
At Freelock, we provide targeted, semi-managed hosting of Linux-based web applications to help ensure that your website stays secure and online. We lease our own dedicated servers, both physical and virtual, and have full control over the OS and all the software, including your applications. This allows us to fully support everything above the hardware layer to an extent that few other companies do.