

Hours may be purchased in any quantity, with bulk purchases receiving a discount off of the standard rate. Hours may be used for any of our Freelock services, from Drupal installation and setup to custom module development to on-going support and training.

Nonprofit Monthly Retained Hours

Same as our Monthly Retained Hours but for our not-for-profit customers.

We highly encourage our customers to budget a certain amount of time per month for ongoing development on their web sites. We believe the most effective web sites are ones that constantly evolve to better meet the…

Bucket of Hours

If you prefer to pay as you go for our web development services, then start by purchasing a Freelock Bucket and fill it up with hours when you need them. Our developers will work on your project until the bucket runs dry, and we will begin work again once filled. Our base rate for prepaid…

Regular Hourly Rate

Our base regular rate.

Terms & Conditions:

a. Estimates shall be provided on the number of hours required to complete a given task. These estimates do not represent a bid or binding agreement to…

Emergency Service

Need some emergency Drupal help? We can get to the bottom of it. Can't wait? We try to keep enough room in our schedule to deal with urgent issues. Sites hacked, broken installs, database recoveries -- if it needs to be done now, give us a call!

Terms & Conditions…
Bucket of Hours (Non-Profit/Charity)

If you prefer to pay as you go for our web development services, then start by purchasing a Freelock Bucket and fill it up with hours when you need them. Our developers will work on your project until the bucket runs dry, and we will begin work again once filled. Our base rate for prepaid…