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… Copying a node to a new type Submitted by John Locke on Thu, 10/21/2010 … one change is difficult: changing the content type of a node after you've created it. In general, once you create an … change: unset ($object->nid); // this makes a copy of each node, instead of updating the existing one $object->type = …

… imported from Drupal 6 did not get rewritten with new node ids, after the migration had started using a map. The … | 2208 | node/1850 | wisconsin-state-refund-policy               | | 2210 | node/1852 | what-does-it-cost-0                         | | …

… which we'll discuss next, is that our destination is not a node, but an entityreference field. So our destination class …           ),         );         node_save($node);         $model_array[$row->BvItemNo] = …

… EntityFieldQuery(); $query->entityCondition('entity_type','node') ->entityCondition('bundle','employee') … $result = $query->execute(); if ($result && $result['node']) { $item = array_pop($result['node']); $node = node_load($item->nid); if (!$newprofile) { …

… or cable modem. There is an ethernet jack on the wireless node and your home computer plugs into that. The wireless … the telephone company's wires and poles: it connects your node to the Internet, but without any nasty wires between the … a cable or DSL modem, do double-duty: when you put a node at your house, you actually help to increase the …

… Javascript platforms like Comet and Persevere, and now Node.js. Dojo also has a lot of uptake among Rails … than the standard Drupal one for use with a specific node reference with associated data. At the moment, …

… an easy one: links on the menu were going to internal "node" paths instead of the aliased "friendly URL". For example, a link on a submenu went to "/node/494" instead of "/about/accreditation". In this … along the way, the menu system ended up with links to the node/[nid] path, and not the friendly URLs, even though the …

… functionality, we leveraged the easypattern , sugar , and node-schedule modules from npm, and borrowed a lot of the … the room state, in addition to keeping them in RAM using node-schedule. When Watney restarts, it reloads each future reminder into node-schedule. When reminders trigger, it updates the state …

… aliased URLs. The internal path to any item of content is node/<node id>. Add the domain name in front of this, and you've …

… export individual items, one at a time. This can include nodes, paragraphs, users, any kind of content entity. This … "Export References" option, when you point it at a single node, it will export all related entities at the same time! … already exists). drush default-content:export-references node <nid> --folder=content to export a particular node, to a …

… to the Purl tab and check the box to "Keep context of the node": ... if this option is set, then when you visit a node inside a group path, Purl keeps the group path active. Using our previous example, a node might be at …

… staff were further interested in setting up an Eagle-I node, and migrating all of these resources into the Eagle-I … a Drupal content type serves as the metadata wrapper for a node, or piece of content, we are mapping the content type to … type to “text properties” on the ontology class, and node and taxonomy references to “linked resources” on the …

… the nodes within a set amount of miles from the current node being displayed. You can see an example of this use in … a custom module that allowed flagged nodes to be set as a Node Reference in a new content type called Itinerary. The …

… a couple of them are nearing launch, and were missing some node references, I set out to get the content updated from … auto-migration done in 8.0.x. The main gotcha here is that node content still isn't showing up as migrated -- but for … prep the destination&#13; &#13; In particular, we wanted node references migrated to D8 entity references: [Add …

… API, ability to debug, custom filters. Midlevel: Bulk node operations, data synchronization, Rules components, … views handlers, Services, drush scripting. Advanced: node.js, dojo toolkit widgets/AMD, query altering, core … > Here are some skill sets > ; > ; …

… my index.js file, I required these libraries, as well as Node.js's filesystem library: #!/usr/bin/env node const program = require('commander'); const fs = …

… with every product, including options. From there I used Node Import to import the list into Drupal/Ubercart. … were still tagged with the option prices. Now, ideally node import would do that little import CSV magic …

… all of these ended up 7 - 8 hours off -- when you edit the node, it shows up with the correct time, and when you display the node, it's off by 8 hours. 8 hours happens to be our current … all of these ended up 7 - 8 hours off -- when you edit the node, it shows up with the correct time, and when you display …

… and metadata from their Drupal CMS to the central eagle-I node. This led them to Freelock and the customization work we … website and copies the sites content to the local Eagle-I node which then hands the data along to Eagle-I central for … When we completed the project we posted the eagle-I node on . Additional information on this project …