Freelock Interviewed on Drupal and WordPress Expertise
In September, Freelock was recognized as a leading web development company in Seattle by Clutch.
In September, Freelock was recognized as a leading web development company in Seattle by Clutch.
Yesterday Amazon Web Services (AWS) had a major outage in their US-East datacenter, in Virgina. It made all sorts of national news, largely because it affected some major online services.
We've worked with many clients over the years, who all have very specific website development needs. While some clients may share common goals, each may approach those business goals in different ways. But, time and time again, we usually start by asking a client in what ways are they measuring their website's effectiveness. In this 4 part series, I'll discuss identifying purpose and overcoming obstacles, complaints of current site capabilities and establishing budget, metrics to success and selecting a vendor, then finally risk tolerance and disaster recovery planning.
One of our clients wanted to regularly update a list of dealers along with the parts carried at that dealer, and show them on a map.
Apparently there's some FUD (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt) being sown by a few Drupal shops who are spreading downright wrong information about Drupal 8, trying to encourage people to upgrade to 7 now.
The short answer: Not Vulnerable.
We've been asked by several customers about whether they or we are affected by the recently discovered Bash ShellShock vulnerability. And to the best of our knowledge, we are completely unaffected.
Kicking off some posts about various performance challenges we've fixed.
[Edit: Thomas point out this is not really factorial, because it's addition of each number in the sequence intead of multiplication].
When you’re planning your upcoming convention or conference, one of the many items to consider is your web site. It’s important to have a quality site that all team members can access, update content on and manage. You also need a web site that attendees can access to get all the details they need, from registration to class schedules, seating charts to directories.
Everybody is writing about Heartbleed this week. The reason? It probably affects more people than any other vulnerability we've ever seen. If you ever log into any web site, anywhere, your password might be revealed -- and that is just the start. The biggest problem?
Previously we learned why a custom web site is not a car. But it is a lot like a building.
"Make me a building. How much is it going to cost?"
"My budget is really tight, can you get the project started and show me what to do to finish it?" -- Yet another request from several different prospective customers.