Domain Names

Domain names are used to help people get to websites. Domain Name Servers (dns) link IP addresses with your easy to remember domain name. In addition, the computer at that IP address may use the domain name from the http header to decide what content to return.



You can have as many domain names as you want pointing to a website,
positives: you may catch more stray viewers, artistic value, lock out competetors negatives: it costs more to register, if you discontinue one you might loose links to your site, It's not needed, may be confusing


Once you have a domain name, you can setup CNAMES.
e.g. can have pointing to your website.


Our Name servers

Using us as your mail relay.


  1. Log into GoDaddy, go to Domains -> My Domains
  2. If you haven't already, create a folder for your domains
  3. On the Account Exec tab of your folder, select me from the drop-down
list, check "Admin Access", and click the Apply button.
  1. On the list of all the domains, mouse over the checkmark and click
"Select All Domains".
  1. Mouseover "Organize" (the folder icon) and click "Copy To Folder".
  2. Select the folder you created, and click the OK button.
  3. "keep old domain server settings" is necessary for a clean transition
  4. Then drop us a line to let me know it's done.

restoring old settings

1. In the list of your domains, select "".
2. Next to Locked, click the "Change" link. Unlock the domain.
3. Back in the summary, click one of the links below Name Servers.
4. Change the name servers listed to these two:
5. Turn locking back on...