
CRM & Business Solutions

CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems, they sound so great! Setup a CRM, put all your contacts and clients in there, add some forms to your website and BOOM the money will just pour in.

Except that’s not how it happens.

Open Source Sales Tools

Manage your Sales Force Effectively using Open Source

Converting a marketing lead into a sale is an art in many respects, but all great artists need tools. In terms of technology, salespeople need a way to manage their leads and contact, track the overall sales process, and manage their schedules. Open Source applications such as SugarCRM and vTigerCRM can help keep your organization on top of all of the leads, manage your schedules, connect to your PDA's, and track leads from a variety of sources. 

On Forks

Open Source projects have to deal with something most proprietary projects don't: forked projects. What's that? It's when a person or group exercises the terms of an open source license to create a derived version that competes with the original.

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